Searching for Court Reporters by Name!

Know the court reporter or legal videographer you want to work with? Find their availability instantly with our custom search-by-name feature! eCourt Reporters is the only platform of its kind to provide paralegals and attorneys the ability to search and schedule court reporters by name. You’ve established a great relationship with a court reporter, and now with a simple entry of his or her name, you can verify coverage with that specific professional for proceedings. eCourt Reporters’ live search capabilities has proven to be an outstanding tool to save paralegals time and frustration. Waiting for responses from e-mails or phone messages to confirm the services of your favorite court reporter is no longer an issue.

Don’t have that favorite court reporter yet? Find the court reporter you need based on upfront pricing! Another industry first feature that allows you to see the prices before you book, certainly information that every savvy law firm appreciates.

eCourt Reporters has set out to give access to live, certified court reporters with ease, and the best part, the system is FREE to attorneys and paralegals. No sign-up fee. No subscription fees.

Direct-connect technology is growing in every aspect of business today, the legal industry is no different. eCourt Reporters has addressed all the major concerns when finding and scheduling court reporters and legal videographers. Check it out at Technology at its best!

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