Court Reporter Shortage – Yes or No?

Are there any available court reporters?  Is there a court reporter shortage?

These questions loom as less-accurate methods of recording a proceeding attempt to infiltrate the profession. Court reporters are out there, sometimes they just need to be found! At eCourt Reporters, our mission is to make the process of locating and scheduling professional, certified court reporters easy as the crucial need for services continues to grow.

Professional court reporting services are the preferred method; attorneys just need to find the available service providers! The time is now to utilize the technology that provides for vetted court reporters to be scheduled direct and ensure a professional experience in every legal proceeding.

eCourt Reporters eases the frustration that schedulers face daily by providing the ability to select specific services of vetted, experienced court reporters across the U.S.

eCourt Reporters eases the frustration that experienced court reporters face of being overlooked for less-than professional methods of recording proceedings. We provide the ability to be scheduled directly with live calendar capabilities and your own market-driven rates, it’s technology at its best!

Attorneys spend hours representing their clients, and the importance of every aspect of their case is not taken lightly. After all, attorneys are dealing with peoples’ lives in some aspect of each case. Trial prep, depositions, hearings, pretrial proceedings are just part of the case that requires professional, skilled representation by all involved. The court reporter’s job is an integral part of case preparation; therefore, the importance of a certified, vetted professional is unmatched.

Professional court reporters spend hours perfecting their skill to provide the necessary service to take testimony of witnesses that impact peoples’ lives in hearings, depositions, and pretrial proceedings. And let’s not forget, the unique skill of taking down testimony does not end at the proceeding! Preparing a transcript is another factor of the court reporting profession that requires skill along with the importance of confidentiality.

Attorneys/paralegals and court reporting agencies: Certified court reporters are available; you just need to find them! Locate professional, certified court reporters at to ensure the expected high level of service that every case deserves.  It’s easy:

  1. Begin searching with specific criteria. Enter date, time, location of proceeding and our system filters to the available court reporters. Compare certifications, rates, and more!
  2. Select your professional and begin communicating direct!

Court reporters: Attorneys are searching for services; you just need to show your availability!  It’s easy:

  1. Register your services FREE. No sign-up fee, no subscription fees!
  2. Activate your live calendar availability.
  3. Work directly with attorneys and schedulers across the country.

We are proud to lead the way with industry first technology.  Join us as eCourt Reporters’ award-winning platform improves the legal community!

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